Saturday, August 9, 2008


Taking a break from my harassment case which I am very determined about. I would just like to give my thumbs up to the Chinese for an opening ceremony that was actually worth watching.
It was rather impressive and even a bit intimidating...which I suppose it was meant to be. It almost reminded me of what Hitler did before the second world war in Germany...impress everyone...don't let on that you want to take over the world...BAM!! cousin A ,whom I respect very much for his encyclopedic knowledge of all things finance/business/foreign relation, actually agreed with me for once and said that he hates the openings and that they are for girls but that this one was actually worth watching.
"Did you know they spent 1.1 billion dollars on it?"
"Wow. I didn't know."
"No idea how they spent it. I mean...sure the fireworks must have been around 20 million and the LCD screen...but still."
I nod, awed.
A is very interesting by the way. I think I could write a psychology article about him.
He is absolutely the most sarcastic, know it all person you will ever meet. His little trivia revelations are so effortless and confident that you would believe it even if he's wrong.
Aunt S and him spent one entire dinner arguing over real estate vs. stock market. Even though S's points about real estate were solid, A won with his mind numbing facts and numbers etc.

Back to Beijing...very impressive. A and I went through the countries, trying to find good looking girls and guys.
"Steroids," he shook his head, "no hot female athletes."
And then we got to Jordan. I'll admit the girls were kinda cute.
"Oh my god," he exclaimed smugly, "those girls are perfection. They aren't 10s....they are 11s and 100s out of 10."

We are a pathetic bunch. But it was fun...can't wait to see more of the games.

Later my friends,
Shoe Maiden

P.S: I would give my new pair of Jimmy Choos to hear that conversation between president Bush and president Putin. The camera flicked to them a couple of times as they were talking. I also wonder whether they declared war on russia before or after the games?
Imagine how that conversation must've gone:

Putin: Shame on you George.
Bush: Yea.
Putin: What with oil and all, one would think you'd have some decency to help out here.
Bush: Yea.
Putin: Are you listening to me?
Bush: Yea.
Putin: Then why do you keep looking at your watch?
Bush: Yea.


Anonymous said...

you could always just give me your new pair of jimmy choos! i'm a size 7.5. =]

Sonny Jim said...

hahahaha - bam! you are sooo right!

the chinese can't have done that one where thousands of people lift boxes perfectly in sync without many whippings and hand cut offage!

Do you want to know?

Paris, France
Between trying not to spend all of my father's money on shoes and trying to survive in a locked down chamber of torture(otherwise known as a dorm)...I find myself in need of sharing some of my new found knowledge.